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Spell Casting

Love Spell Career Spell Marriage Spell Relationship Spell Money Spell Prosperity Spell

Why you need this puja

Proceed to Choose Pandit
  • Prosperity
  • Success
  • Managing Family Disputes
  • Career Progress
  • Financial Security
Proceed to Choose Pandit

As per the purpose of the spell

Proceed to Choose Pandit

1. What happens when I place the order ?

You will be connected to your concerned astrologer. Astrologer will share the mode of communication of this puja, as it can be live video call or photos or video link.via chat window.

2. What are the preferred days to do Relationship Healing ?

In a month, we see generally 4 weeks and each week the preferred days are Sunday and Tuesday. These two days are recommended by most of the specialists. The specialist says that these days, the power of mantra is doubled.

3. When can expect the astrologer to respond to the booking of pooja?

The astrologer usually takes 24- 48 hours to respond. The astrologers go through your details to know about the auspicious time for Pooja.

Proceed to Choose Pandit